Poset-Drawing Process

Drawing By Mouse-Click

To select or fill, click on the small circles. If they are already selected or filled, clicking will deselect or empty them.

Click between two selected nodes/elements to connect or relate them. If they are already connected, clicking will remove the connection.

By following this process, you will fill exactly the same number of elements as you select the order of the poset.

After completing the drawing, select the "Submit" button to display the poset matrix found in our database that is similar to the one you created. Alternatively, you can clear the drawing canvas by clicking the "Clear" button.

To close the drawing canvas, click on the 'Close' button in the top right corner.

Drawing By Keyboard-Press

To move the caret or cursor, use the left, right, top, and bottom arrows on your keyboard.

If you've already selected some nodes or elements and want to relate them while traversing only the selected elements, press Ctrl + Up or Ctrl + Down buttons.

To select or fill, press the Enter key. If it is already selected or filled, pressing Enter will deselect or empty it.

To connect or relate them, press Shift + Enter on the first element, then move the caret to the next element and again press Shift + Enter. If they are already connected, pressing Shift + Enter will remove the connection.

By following this process, you will fill exactly the same number of elements as you select the order of the poset.

After completing the drawing, press Tab to move the caret to the Close, Clear, or Submit buttons, then press Enter to close, clear the canvas, or submit.

To return to the canvas, press the Esc button.